Saturday 10 August 2019

Isle of Wight two...Freshwater and Felons

We had had a very tiring day, Mucky and I. Cant remember if we struggled up the cliff and walked through the nature reserve but Im sure we did. Anyway...on arriving at chez Seahorses , we were greeted by an unusual lady who I shall refer to as Strange but Nice (SBN for short).
She was keen to know where we had been, through the very detectable haze of booze, but sadly all we wanted to do was crash on our beds.

After a short nod then wash and brush up , hunger called and we could almost smell the spring rolls, crispy seaweed and chicken in black bean sauce emanating from the village chinky. (is that a racist term? Ah well...). 
We tottered downstairs and made our way across the park, past the garden that seemed to have a permanent party going on and down to the aforesaid establishment....a slight diversion.....

We used to frequent the Vine pub but not only had the food deteriorated and they no longer had a quiz night at which the locals used to cheat like mad by using their iphones but the clientelle  had slipped also. 
One may have been last...a somewhat drunk local , considerably younger than us four old birds (cos we were 4 in those days) decided he would do us a favour by posing with his arms around us for a photo whilst saying" look, you can say you pulled" then expecting a kiss on the way out.
Now, on what planet did this loud mouth , unattractive youth (he was no Brad Pitt...that might have been different) think that four gorgeous cougars ( actually, just me but the other three wont read this so it doesnt matter...Mucky? )would think they had pulled with him? 
The only thing he pulled were four raised middle fingers on the way out. (It may have been three , or even two because Legs and possibly Mucky (nah) were too ladylike for the gesture!)
Oh for the good old days when Legs and I visited the same establishment and were treated to live (?) music by Derek Sandy , all Bob Marley and other reggae , accompanied by a bar full of second hand marijuana smoke resulting in all and sundry up and dancing to the music.

I digress...we wandered down to the chinese and 
"there are no lights on" one of us commented.
In fact the whole of Freshwater is closed on a Monday . Apparently no one eats out then.
So, over to Sainsburies opposite. Always good for a munch.
After twittering around for a while, we picked up the grub for our evening meal to take back to our digs. There was a little confusion , admittedly, which could have been the reason for the subsequent debacle. I do like to give Mucky the benefit of the doubt here although I have reservations. the checkout was a very pleasant young man with whom Mucky was enjoying a chinwag and a laugh. Now, I take no responsibility for what happened next. My view is that Mucky was so taken by the young man that she lost her head a little and walked away from the till, laughing.
We had almost reached the door, dammit, if only we had been quicker, I blame the zimmer frames, when the nice young man called out, quietly, " would you like to pay for that ladies?"
Well, much hilarity ensued while we scrabbled for money , pretending all the while that our retreat was unintentional. 
Phew! I told her, she has to be quicker next time. We should use the motorised chairs not the zimmers.

The pics are the actual establishments mentioned...all of which are fab.

Monday 5 August 2019

Ramblings from the Isle of Wight...One...Angry Irish Lady

The Isle visit was different this year......a pilgrimage for Legs (aka Marion) who sadly passed away in November. More of that later.

Whilst out walking to Totland this bright, sunny morning, Mucky and I  were off route as usual and struggling to make sense of where we were aiming to begin the walk, even with a map.

"Look...a person!" I believe it was Mucky who spotted her first. I just saw the dog. I cant resist dogs...and babies.

This elderly lady (older than us) was taking her pooch for a walk. She looked friendly enough and in fact was. ( Dog was happy to be stroked).
She helped with navigation and conversation soon turned to general world matters.(Dog being petted by all).

It soon became apparent that she had the most negative view of the whole of man(and woman) kind in that she believed the human race should die out quickly ( note my use of the word "should" and not "could" here) because of the harm they have inflicted on the environment.

Now, I am a great environmentalist as my friends will attest to and I also take the shame on what we human have done. But there our opinions differed. (Dog continued to enjoy petting but was sitting down at this point)

She maintained that humans had done nothing good and had destroyed the planet single handedly
and thus should be exterminated...which she said was going to happen in 20 years anyway (???)

Now...believe me when I say I tried very hard to give her reason for optimism, relating all the medical advances, all the lets clear up the single use plastic stuff, even the re introduction of wolves to Yellowstone. (She was totally bemused and resistant to this, especially the wolves thing) (Dog now laying down to be petted and Mucky , who was  feeling uncomfortable about my dogged determination to convert this nihilist to my way of thinking , sat down next to the dog.)

I tried and tried but, as Mucky pointed out later, she was clearly a daily mail reader who could not justify any of her arguments or statements, especially the "we will all be dead in 20years" thing.
 So, dear reader, (?) I ended the conversation saying that she should keep the faith and if not she might as well go home, get a gun and shoot herself.

It was at this point that Mucky gasped, I realised I had encouraged a senior to take her own life and we decided to move on. (Dog was whining at this point)

In the unlikely event that the angry leprechaun reads this...Im sorry. I didnt mean it.
Why cant I just nod sagely and say "yes"? 
Because thats not me. Show me the evidence is me and try to see some good in people for Gods sake!

Friday 28 June 2019

Hello Elliot

Hi Elliot
This ones for you. Its bits of my life since 2006. I hope you find some of it amusing. Dont tell me if you dont...I may have to kill you! (Thats a joke!!)

Thursday 31 March 2016

Wedge woman and Florrie Weeble..the adventures... Chapter 1

Wedge woman awoke, feeling even more "wedgie "than usual. It was to be an enjoyable day going with Bodgit to see Florrie Weeble.
Should she ...  1. get up, dress rapidly (sans washing) and get on the superhula hoops bit of the wifit?
                        2. get up ,dress rapidly (apres ablutions) and eat some porridge in front of Bear Grylls                             Born Survivor?
                         3. Stay in bed and drink the tea that was now cold because she had gone back to                                       sleep?
Yes, indeed, it was number 3.
Closely followed by option 4 which was to waste at least 30minutes on facebook doing Island Adventure, chess , scrabble and lexulous. Any pokes? No...a few likes.Ok
Ablutions of a sort followed...then option 2 after checking the FITBIT to see how many steps she had not taken this morning.
Why am I so effing fat?? she yelled in her head. Why indeed reader, after no exercise, porridge in front of Bear Grylls and general sloth so far..can you guess why ?.

The aged uncle..R.I.P

I should have written at the happened three years ago. The demise of the aged uncle that is. Two months before his 100 th birthday. God bless him....he never did get that polish money back but now he wont need it anyway.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

A quick hello

Well, blow me down! Its been about 3 years I think! Here I am using my bloggy as a displacement activity because , although I want to go into the garden. its a bit chilly and so Im here instead.
So much has happened over those three years that would take far too long to tell you , my faithfull readers (none?) just now so Ill save it. Just touching base and feeling in a much better place than I was back then. Sugarpuff? Im not holding my breath anymore!

Friday 13 September 2013

An update on the eldest

Just in case anyone ever reads this when Im dead and gone.....the update on my eldest is that he has turned so many circles that he is a well rounded , sensible (ish) man now and takes responsibility for his own actions. I love him , and his brother, to bits and hope he forgives me for writing that stuff all those years ago xxx